Dear Readers, social media has helped develop connections and friendships. Social media isn’t just a pastime anymore, it’s an essential part of life. Researchers haven’t yet been able to prove a direct causative relationship between social media and mental health. However, it seems more than a fluke that rates of anxiety and depression have risen simultaneously with that of social media usage. I’m sure you’ve heard a rumour or two about the negative effects of social media, but do we know if they’re true?

Reflect on how you feel after being on social media

Evidence suggests that excessive use impacts self-esteem and life satisfaction. Since we’re only getting people’s highlight reels and comparing them to ourselves, it is natural to have reactions to what we’re watching. In a recent study conducted, 57% of the people who used social media had a fear of missing out which is popularly known as FOMO.

How can you feel grateful for your life, being happy with where you are now?

Another study, just released in JAMA Psychiatry, looked at social media usage in more than six thousand adults. They found that spending more than three hours per day using social media may be at increased risk for internalising problems like suffering on the inside, negative self-image, and loneliness. As people use social media sites in their everyday life, they risk overexposure to upward social comparison information that can have an increasingly negative effect on their well-being.

What can you do to start monitoring your social media usage?

While social media is a great way to connect with friends and family, and even grow your business, it should be used in balance—like all good things. This is just an aspect of what is happening in today’s rapidly evolving digital world. I certainly don’t mean to portray social media as all bad. However, I want to highlight the importance of moderation and raise awareness of risks. What is it doing to our sense of self? Are we becoming more self-obsessed? Are we becoming more insecure?


As always, I would love for you to share what you think about the way social media has influenced and impacted your life in different ways. Download my free digital download list from, follow me on Instagram (saha_mamta) and Facebook (Mamta Saha) for more tips. Stay in touch and I look forward to hearing from you. Stay safe, stay well.