You can’t always control the wind, but you can control your sails

Life can be a funny old rollercoaster, you have your highs and you have your lows, but many people are on a pursuit to stay feeling high even when everything around shouts the opposite. As a psychologist, I work to build morale, self control and happiness on a daily basis.  Often I have clients that...


Are the best things in life free?

‘The best things in life aren’t things’ Art Buchwald 1925 – 2007 As a psychologist I am interested in human motivation, I mean, what makes us get out of bed in the morning and fundamentally what drives our behaviour?  There is an extremely interesting discussion taking place at the moment; it is about the things...


Living in style video clip



Clear your mind

One of the things we’ll be addressing at the Living in Style event on 7th June is the issue of how dissolve the chaos that is in the mind at times of difficulty. It would be great to hear your experiences on the day. For me, the first thing is to remember that I am...
