How to Eliminate Your Worries in an Instant

What is the secret to having a problem-free life? This is a common question that I get asked every day. Unfortunately, as a Psychologist I don’t have access to a secret supply of magic wands!  However, what I do have are simple reflections that will help you wipe away worries getting you closer to the...


How to Handle Awkward Questions When Presenting

Mindset is very important when presenting.  You have to believe the audience is on your side.  Before you present, you must tell yourself that any questions you get from the audience, are coming from a place of ‘wanting to understand’ the content you are presenting and ‘seeing it from their perspective’.  If you are already...


Recent dilemas from members

1. A big to-do list (work, family, home tec – your list is huge and just thinking about it de-energises you) -if you look at a massive list achieving everything at once seems impossible. You deflate any motivation as you can struggle to absorb all your tasks at one go. The first thing to do...
