Controlling your Anger Before it Controls You.

  Our emotional state in a given moment may influence the way we see a particular situation which impacts our behaviour. “Perception moulds, shapes, and influences our experience of our reality,” says Linda Humphreys PhD, a psychologist and life, relationship, and spirituality coach. “Perception is merely a lens or mindset from which we view people, events,...


How to Stay Present and Grounded During a Conflict

Let’s admit it is challenging to stay calm and engaged during tough conversations. Difficult conversations can feel intense and make our minds perceive them as a threat. A lot of times we later regret what we say, get stuck trying to prove our point, ultimately losing the goal and outcome of the conversation. We have...


Urgency Culture

Bring bombarded with numerous texts from work and feeling the pressure to follow up, even during holidays follows the concept of urgency culture. Creating a workplace where employees are being compelled to accomplish tasks at any time of the day is more unprofitable than profitable. It places a profound impact on an employee’s mental well-being....
