How to Deal with Difficult Relatives

Dear readers, do you dread your family gatherings because you have to spend time with your uncle who makes offensive jokes or meet your sister-in-law who won’t stop asking when you will have kids? The bad news is, you can’t get rid of these people completely, but the good news is, you can learn to...


Why You Don’t Need to Fit In

By Psychologist Mamta Saha Today, I have a very special message for anyone who feels like they don’t belong or fit in. I was one of these people and, in this article; I’m going to share the wisdom I’ve learned through my struggles for those of you out there who are feeling this way.  ...


2023 Lessons on relationships

    For many, the holidays conjure images of family happily gathered around a home-cooked meal or relaxing in front of a warm fire. But for others, the family scenes they envision are of unending conflict and tension. In this article, I am sharing with you a few insightful learnings and reflections that I have...
