Your Guide to Mental Health Care

While 2020 was an incredibly difficult year for many of us, it also showed us how important it is to prioritise our mental health and take care of one another. Our mental health influences how we think, feel and behave in daily life. It also affects our ability to handle stress, face and overcome challenges,...


“Let us not search for an ‘external fix’ but identify with the solution that resides deep within.”

Dear Readers, I am still processing the excitement of being invited to speak at a recent Tedx conference.  Never have I been so doubtful or self-critical.  With a well of anxiety in my stomach and a vision of – my message – potentially being somebody else’s medicine, I said a little prayer and I carried...


Why Healthy Relationships Matter

The year 2020 was a year filled with learnings. The year taught us to slow down from the never-ending rat race and enjoy the things in front of us and spend time with your loved ones. During the lockdown, most of us have reconnected with our friends after a long time. While it’s good to...


Everything you need to know about Affirmations

Affirmations have been used for many years and were bought into the spotlight when pioneer Louise Hay showed how by practicing them she changed her life and the life of many others.  Affirming helps one to develop mental agility, emotional resilience, clarity and grounding which equips you with the ability to manage levels of anxiety,...


Quick Tips to Protect your Emotional Well-Being

With all that’s been happening throughout 2020, it is easy to feel as if you are being followed by a dark cloud (Olivia Brindle 2020).  How does one protect our mental health when there are negative things happening in the world?  Psychologist Mamta Saha shares her tips and tools on how to protect your mental health and stay informed without going down a rabbit hole.


She Let Go – A Poem By Safire Rose


Want To Be Happy & Fulfilled?

Ask yourself what you are longing for and have a think about whether your life feels fulfilled or not.  A lot of people think fulfilment is driving a nice car, living in a nice house or wearing fancy clothes but as a psychologist, from what I have seen, this is not the case.  I work...


1. Let me Introduce myself…

A Big Hello! Whoever you are, wherever you are from and whatever you do, I would like to welcome you to my blog… I am a positive Leadership development coach. I believe that regardless of whether you lead people or not – you are a leader in your own right and you have the power...


Mamta Saha on Sky News



Cupid hits a marketing high in the season of romance

Mamta Saha in Gulf News Consumers expected to spend 5.8% more or $18.6b on this year’s Valentine’s Day compared to last year’s By Mick O’Reilly, Deputy Managing Editor Published: 00:00 February 14, 2011 Image Credit: Illustration: Niño Jose Heredia/©Gulf News OK, forgive me, but I’m not in a very loveable mood. Yes, I know it’s Valentine’s...
