Talk Radio Europe – What to do if your in a job you don’t like

This evening I was talking to Richie Allen live on Talk Radio Europe about working in a job you really do not enjoy.  If you are in this situation there are a few things you can do to change this feeling by starting to be proactive about earning a living – by doing what you...


National ‘call in sick day’ – Sky News February 2011

This morning I was on Sky News discussing National ‘call in sick day’.  A study has found that people are feeling a bit fed up with life lately and put it down to a combination of: post Christmas blues, burn out and summer seeming like its just too far away. 32 million people in the UK would...


When was the last time you did something for you?

On April 10th I ran an intimate coaching session in London, all attendee’s were unique and magical in their own way.  I was energized throughout knowing and sensing that the delegates had come with an open energy and attitude that would provide them with the many benefits attached to the development seminar.  As we progressed...


Have you realised your potential?

On April 10th I ran an intimate coaching session in London with 8 special attendee’s who were all unique and magical in their own way.  I was energised throughout knowing and sensing that the delegates had come with an open energy and attitude that would provide then with the many benefits attached to personal development. ...


Don’t fear Finance – Start saving today!

This week I have collaborated with Elizabeth Grier to get your mind focused on saving.  A lot of fear is attached to the concept of ‘finance’ and this week we want to encourage you to embrace what you have so that you can save for a more prosperous future.  Remember in life you were born...


Break through barriers and achieve success

Thinkspa Flyer


How to survive life’s politics and drama

This week’s article is going to focus on how you can remain objective and calm regardless of any drama and politics that may surround you in life.  It is very easy to say yet difficult to carry out. However, if you take the time to invest in your own development by reflection, meditation and contemplation,...


Easy ways to feel amazing

Feeling amazing shouldn’t be hard work; it’s the little things we do that can make a huge difference to our general well being and state of mind.  This article is all about the simple things that you can adopt in your life to help you to start feeling amazing the moment you choose to. Try...


Wedding bliss tips for all!

Weddings are recognised as one of the most prestigious occasions that take place in a family. The most important day for the bride, groom and of course parents. This special article is going to help you manage your mind so that you are stress free and supportive to the ones you love ensuring everyone is happy....


2010 Is Your Year!

For a lot of folk the beginning of a New Year is about fresh starts and self discovery.  Having gone through another year people have a tendency to think back and reflect on what worked and what didn’t.   For others a natural focus is directed towards reinventing their look, usually backed up by splashing out...
