You hold the key to happiness

There once was a small boy called Edward, he lived in a grand house in the English country with his dad and younger sister who was 8. Last Christmas he had lost his beautiful mother to cancer, so this Christmas just seemed grayer than ever. His father was a farmer until Abigail died, he used...


6. Life is like a game of golf…

Learn the best swing from professionals, model your behaviour on people that you feel are simply excellent. You need to get better at every opportunity. Motivation is an inner force that compels your behaviour, motivation is always generated from the inside. You are acting on an inner need if you are motivated. Memory and imagination...


5. Get rid of your ‘So What’

Everybody I coach, including myself has a story, a story of ‘reasons’ of why we are not achieving all the things we deserve in life, the way you are today, the standards that you accept and the reasoning for treating others in a way that you do. Our outward behaviour is based on a set...


4. What is your lazy bone?

My experience of coaching and developing over 500 people has shown me that to some extent we all have a ‘lazy bone’ in our being, and even worse, we get a payoff for not doing certain things that we know, would really benefit us. Action: Identify your ‘lazy bone’ what are the excuses that you...


3. You Create How You Feel

All too often we believe that the circumstances of our life automatically dictate how we feel. If you have had a horrid start to your day.. you get a bill in the post, no one’s smiling on the tube, you spill your coffee on your shirt etc.. You could start to feel as though the...


2. Is it in Your Sphere of Control?

Although sometimes it feels that things are out of our control, no matter how hard we try to do our very best at something, it just does not materialise. Other times we assume that we are destined to fail and we become a ‘victim’ finding lots of ‘excuses’ and ‘reasons’ for why our grey world...
