For many, the holidays conjure images of family happily gathered around a home-cooked
meal or relaxing in front of a warm fire. But for others, the family scenes they envision are of
unending conflict and tension. In this article, I am sharing with you a few insightful learnings
and reflections that I have gained about relationships in the past year.


1. Your true friends will always talk things through no matter how difficult

Everyone needs a support network. Relationships and friendships are the bedrock of our
social support systems. Friendships require tending. Your true friends will talk about the
things going on in their lives: successes, failures, and everything in between. Even in healthy
relationships, you’ll have occasional disagreements and feel frustrated or angry with each
other from time to time.

That’s completely normal. It doesn’t mean your relationship is unhealthy. What matters is
how you address conflict. If you can talk about your differences politely, honestly, and with
respect, you’re on the right track.

2. Nurturing relationships is a two-way street, notice consistency

Strong relationships are marked by natural reciprocity. It is not about being around, or
available all the time. Consistency is checking in on each other regularly, being there when
you need them, and having a sense of commitment to the process of a relationship.
A lack of consistency in a relationship could lead to emotional disturbance and no human
being deserves that. Consistency and stability in a relationship are necessary for it to be
healthy. All in all, consistency in a relationship is trust and dependability but it is also an
honest desire to have a healthy working relationship.


3. It is not ok for someone to inflict harmful words on you, respect is fundamental in
all relationships

Respect in a relationship is reflected in how you treat each other daily. It’s not healthy if they
constantly criticise or say intentionally hurtful things, especially about personal choices.
Criticism that makes you feel ashamed or bad about yourself is generally unproductive.

Respect is essential in all relationships: romantic, platonic, or familial. Mutual respect is
essential, as respecting someone who doesn’t respect you will only negatively impact your
self-esteem and mental health.

At the end of the day, relationships are an important part of a healthy life. Psychologists have
consistently shown that social connections are critical for both mental and physical health. If
you’re worried about your relationships or friendships are not as strong as they used to be,
trust your instincts, and explore what these feelings mean.

If you need more guidance or insight, email me at and follow me on Instagram (@Saha_mamta) for daily reflections. Stay in touch and I look forward to hearing from you!
Good luck dearest readers.