Embrace all that you are. Take a minute to reflect on who has made a meaningful impact on your life, close your eyes, see them in front of you and say โ€œthank you” to them from the core of your heart and mind.

On tough days it can be challenging to extract and draw the learnings from life’s experiences and I find that when I reflect on ‘what’s possible now that wasn’t possible before, I can very quickly understand where and how my growth came about.

Motherhood for me has been about learning to love myself, forgive and let things go. It has taught me that even when my patience is running on empty, I have the capacity to dig deeper and access a pool of compassion and calm from within.

Reflect on a role that you play and think about all that this has given you. How has it enabled you to be all that you are today? How can you leverage the lessons that you have learned?

This is a powerful tool that I use in my coaching sessions. Looking at the roles we play and extract the lessons. When we do this challenges suddenly become opportunities and life feels a whole lot lighter.