One of the things we’ll be addressing at the Living in Style event on 7th June is the issue of how dissolve the chaos that is in the mind at times of difficulty. It would be great to hear your experiences on the day.
For me, the first thing is to remember that I am a spiritual being. So much time is spent on nurturing our bodies, pandering to a material world and generally focusing on things that are temporary. Whatever happened to our spiritual values? Whatever happened to setting up any principles that we actually live by?! Practicing Yoga or Pilates for an hour a week doesn’t quite get you there I’m afraid.
Do you know what you stand for, what you represent, what is your purpose? You may think this doesn’t mean anything and couldn’t possibly help you. However, it is a proven fact that, the more insight you have of yourself, the less likely you will be influenced by others and the more individualistic you will be. The less influenced you are means more focus and time on what you actually want to achieve and get out of life and the more chance there is that you will achieve it.
Ask yourself where are you are heading and how close you are to your destination.
Try to step outside of yourself and observe what you have been doing, question yourself and think, are you happy? Many people I coach are so far tangled by the ropes in their minds that they haven’t a clue where to start. All is not lost, every second is a chance to turn it all around and the solution is simple.
Be in silence, alone, for a minimum of an hour. Notice what is going on in your mind, what are you telling yourself. Decide what you are going to do with the voices, split your thoughts (after writing them down) into two categories: positive – helpful to me, negative – unhelpful to me. Focus your energy on the positive; make the most of these thoughts and the least on the negative. Scrub them out and realise that they are like a disease, carrying pollution that will definitely impact and cloud your mind.
‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes’ – Carl Gustav Jung 1875 – 1961