Part of being human is having attachments. We attach ourselves to places and ideas, in relationships, we attach to our partner. We attach to our belongings and physical items that we love. Ideally, life is a cycle of holding and letting go, but we become so attached that we can no longer see clearly. Our attachment can become so strong that we may actually lose sight of the bigger picture. Why should we as humans strive to practice attachment, when it is the human experience to be attached to one another.


Well, it is important because when we can hold and release, we are able to build healthy connections. When we let go, we are releasing our need to control and releasing the conditional love that comes with an attachment so that we can love unconditionally, being okay with whatever path life takes us down. When we live with non-attachment, we can go with the flow more easily and are not as impacted emotionally by the punches life may throw at us. The good news is that all this pain and suffering can be handled and dealt with. We can avoid this by choosing to let go and live with non-attachment. Letting go does not mean removing yourself from the relationship or letting go of your dreams. It does not mean withdrawing or never connecting with another human again.


Living with non-attachment means accepting things as they are, knowing that everything is evolving and changing, nothing is permanent everything is temporary in life. It means letting go of control and trusting in the Universe and most importantly, yourself. Here are a few ways to get started. Be aware of the attachments you have in your life. What are the areas where you have given up your power? Where fear and insecurity have taken over and are running the show. Where do you need to detach? Another helpful way is to practice affirmations. Choose a mantra or affirmation to repeat daily. Mentally repeat this mantra whenever you feel yourself falling back into old patterns or struggling with letting go.


When you can let go and practice healthy detachment, you are able to express unconditional love for your partner and are fully able to appreciate their presence in your life. You are able to see more clearly and be more objective. You are able to focus and operate at a higher level of productivity. You are able to feel abundance and feel free.