Almost everything is digitalized in today’s world, from eBooks, online classes, shopping to weekly meetings. We often do not realize how plugged in we are because of our work and if we are not mindful about the time, we could end up living in front of the screens. On an average a person spends about 6 hours a day using the internet. As of April 2020, 59% of the global population of approximately 4.57 billion people were active internet users. In terms of penetration, 58.7% of the global population has internet access.

Digital technology has swept across every aspect of our lives, further blurring the lines between healthy and unhealthy use of the internet. Internet addiction can be best explained as an emotional attachment to their online activities on websites or apps. Internet addiction is common among all age groups and its prevalence is as follows: 13-17 (73%), 18-24 (71%), 25-34 (59%), 35-44 (54%), 45-54 (40%), 55-64 (39%), and 64+ (44). Evidence also suggests that heavy device use, particularly prior to bedtime, can interfere with sleep quality and quantity. Another study found that children who use digital devices at bedtime had significantly worse and less sleep. As the evidence is clear, heavy usage of digital devices and social media is harmful for mental health. A digital detox should be considered as an important self-care strategy. Therefore, it is important to engage in a regular digital detox to ensure our well-being and prevent a burnout.

Detaching from your screens and devices can benefit your mental well-being as well as overall well-being but doing a digital detox does not have to involve a complete detachment rather it is a process which is more about being mindful about the usage in a way that benefits your emotional and mental health and setting boundaries from your phone and other devices. For a lot of us completely removing all devices or social forms of digital communications can seem overwhelming, which is why it is important to be realistic and start small so you can gradually build your way up. You can start by limiting your phone usage or turning off push notifications when you are out with friends or family for dinner. Studies have found that the mere presence of a mobile device, even if you are not actively using it, lowers empathy levels and decreased conversation quality when interacting with other people. Limiting your mobile phone or iPad usage immediately before you go to sleep may also be helpful.

In addition, a digital detox provides time to experience nature, get physical exercise, and practice mindfulness. Unplugging on a regular basis helps us maintain a healthy balance between real life activities and the digital world. Ultimately, a digital detox is a way to disconnect to reconnect.