Like a lot of people, I’ve lost count of the number of the countless rejections I’ve received throughout my journey. Both in my personal and professional life and if there is one thing, I know really really well it is that rejection equals redirection.

illustration from pinterest

Trust the greater plan and life will come together

Rejection brings about a slow-burning anger, the frustration, and despair which is completely natural. We as humans like to be liked and accepted. We always work to succeed, and when we spend time and effort doing something, we expect others to value all the things we do to build it, but life my darlings is not always is it like this. If I am being honest, rejection is a necessary part of the human experience. Everyone experiences rejection at some point in their life. The fact is, that if you are never rejected, you are probably still in your comfort zone, and are not sufficiently challenging yourself.

If you don’t want to be critised: do nothing, say nothing and be nothing

Well, you can think about it this way, when you are rejected, you are ushered to contemplate what you can do better next time. If you are always playing it safe and doing the same things you will never even realise that you need to push yourself to become better. Every time I think back to the times, I have been rejected I realised it help me reevaluate myself and really ask myself “what’s working, what’s not, what needs to change, and how can I be better”. Not only did it help me focus on my values, but it also helped me reconsider my goals.

The fastest way of moving backwards is by standing still

There is no doubt that rejection hurts, and in the immediate result of a rejection, you’re not really in a space to think about it because of the pain. Rejection is a direct blow to our self-esteem, so we need to be intentional about replacing negative thoughts with the truth to build ourselves back up. And it is in these moments, self – care is truly important. Practicing powerful affirmations can help you recognise and identify strong parts of yourself. Affirmations help you remind yourself of what makes you, you. This is extremely helpful in the face of self-doubt and insecurity.

For any questions, thoughts, and coaching reach out to me at or head over to my website for your very own set of my popular and globally loved affirmation cards. If you are looking for more try out my Emotionally Stronger Masterclass, also on my site. Take care and good luck beautiful people. All the best, Mamta.